Sunday 30 March 2014

Good people of Pakistan

Acahy Log (Good People)
First of all I am apologizing for coming back late due to some busy days in exams and study. Now I am  with all of you again. Today I want to discuss the story about positive manners of people of Pakistan which are seen by me directly.
The world knows only about Pakistan that there is duzz duzz duzzz  trend everywhere in Pakistan. This side of the picture about Pakistan is shown to the world by the electronic media. But other side of this picture is still not shown to the world. That is full of love, care and respect as well. 

In reality people of Pakistan love each other and care about others more than someone else. Last week I have to go at market by bike, while on the mid of the way I saw an auto rickshaw. And I was shocked to see a beautiful sentence displayed at the back of auto which was showing love for humanity, care for others and fulfilling needs of others voluntarily. I am saluting to such persons. The beautiful sentence I have seen was as:

“This auto rickshaw is available for ill persons to dropping at hospital free of cost”

Achay Log (Good People)

As we know a person driving an auto to earn for his family is of course a poor man. So if a poor man of Pakistan is doing good deeds like these regardless of religion, faith and cast of other people then how we can say that all the Pakistani are full of hate and anger. No no, it is not true, we have to change ourselves to see change in the society.

Another bad image of the Pakistani society is roaming in the world that there is only one thing works in Pakistan which is power. Its mean if a person have power he can get his work done by force and others will not be treated as one having power. This was one side image of Pakistani society and the other beautiful side of Pakistani society is not still behind the scene because I am going to show you this as:

Achay Log (Good People)

This man is a rescuer as a public reputation and he has an authoritative power over other people. But he is standing in a queue with other people to get ticket for metro and he is not using his public reputation or power to get his work done earlier than other people. 

I really like this kind of persons. And people like these are called as: “Achay Log” (Good People) locally in Pakistan.
This kinds of people make me proud to be a Pakistani. Love you all. Long Live Pakistan.